Adultery Is Still A Crime In Some States And Not Only A Top Reason For Divorce

Posted on: 28 March 2016

Adultery remains one of the top reasons couples get divorced in the United States. While some couples are able to get past it and work out their problems, there are many who deem it a much too difficult indiscretion to get past. Did you know that adultery is still illegal in some states? Criminal charges for affairs include fines, jail time, or both. 


Arizona's laws on adultery could send you or your spouse to jail for up to a month. It is a misdemeanor charge, but you would still have a crime on your legal record. The person you or your spouse is having an affair with may also be charged with the crime too in some cases.


In the state of Florida the laws are pretty strict when it comes to cheating on your spouse and you could receive a pretty harsh sentence. If you are convicted of adultery here, you could spend up to two months in jail and also pay a fine of up to $500 for your actions.


Illinois has some of the harshest laws surrounding adultery in the United States. If you are convicted of cheating here you could end up in jail for up to a year. This charge also falls on the person you or your spouse cheated with. They could also end up in jail for up to year for committing the crime of being with a married person.


There are some states where it is worse to be caught cheating than others and Massachusetts is one of those states. In this state, you can be charged with a felony, a much harsher verdict than a misdemeanor. You may spend up to three years in jail and have to pay a fine of up to $500 for your crime.


Oklahoma is another one of those states that cheating could net you a lot of jail time. In this state, you or your spouse could end up serving up to five years in jail for adultery. You may also have to pay a fine for your actions of up to $500.


Adultery in Wisconsin can be very pricey for those who want to stray. The state has one of the highest fines on record for the crime at up to $10.000 if you or your spouse are convicted. You could also have the added punishment of spending up to three years in jail too. Contact a family divorce attorney in your area for more information. 
