Understanding The Dissolution Process In Family Law

Posted on: 15 November 2023

Dissolving a marriage is never an easy process, and for many couples, legal dissolution can be overwhelming. The dissolution process involves a series of legal steps you must follow, which can be quite complicated. That's why it's essential to have a good understanding of the process before you begin. An attorney specializing in family law can explain the dissolution process and what you need to know before starting.

File for Dissolution

The first step in the dissolution process is filing a petition for dissolution of marriage. This legal document states that you are seeking a divorce. When filing the petition, you must provide detailed information about the marriage, including property, financial assets, children, and other relevant information. Once the petition has been filed, your spouse will be served with a copy, and they will have the opportunity to respond and file counterclaims.

Temporary Orders

During the dissolution process, temporary orders may be put in place. These temporary orders help resolve any immediate issues that may arise while the divorce is pending. Temporary orders may include child custody, child support, spousal support, and property division.

Discovery Process

During the discovery process, both parties must provide documents and information about assets and debts. This process is essential for determining the division of property and spousal support. Both parties can request information from each other, such as bank statements, tax returns, employment records, and more.

Negotiation and Settlement

After gathering all information, both parties can begin negotiating a settlement. Negotiation can take place through mediation or with the help of attorneys. During negotiations, it's crucial to remember the best interests of all parties involved, especially if there are children.


If a settlement cannot be reached, a trial will be necessary. During a trial, the judge will hear arguments from both sides and make decisions about property division, child custody, child support, and other relevant issues.

The dissolution process is involved and often difficult, but it can be better navigated by understanding what to expect. Knowing the legal requirements and steps involved can make the process less overwhelming and give you a sense of control. Working with an experienced family law attorney can help ensure your rights are protected and your needs are met throughout the process. Remember, the dissolution process doesn't have to be contentious. Always approach things with an open mind and willingness to work together; you can help make the process smoother for everyone involved.

Contact a family lawyer for more information. 
