What To Expect When You Retain A Skillful Criminal Defense Attorney

Posted on: 19 August 2021

When you have been arrested for and charged with a crime, you have a constitutional right to defend yourself in court. However, your limited or nonexistent legal knowledge may not afford you the skills needed to prove your innocence and get the charges against you dropped. Instead of risking the possibility of jail time and expensive fines, you can retain someone to represent you in your case. You can find this representation when you hire a criminal defense attorney. [Read More]

How to Handle a DUI Law Situation

Posted on: 25 June 2021

Because drunk driving incidents are so dangerous and sometimes fatal, being charged with a driving under the influence (DUI) offense can be a huge rough spot for your record and your personal life. You will need to get help from a DUI attorney that can assist you with all of the details of your case. In this article, you will learn more about what to do in the event of a DUI case. [Read More]

What You Need To Know About Child Custody

Posted on: 10 March 2021

Many couples go through a divorce without agreeing on how they'll raise their children. One of the issues that arise during a divorce is child custody. In many cases, the courts will award joint custody to ensure the child maintains a healthy relationship with both parents. You should consult a child custody lawyer to ensure you get a fair ruling on child custody and visitation. Here's some basic information on child custody. [Read More]

Pandemics, The Economy, And Child Support: The Facts

Posted on: 13 November 2020

There is no doubt that the economic situation during the pandemic is difficult for many families. People have lost jobs, have had their hours cut, or have had their salaries reduced. For families who pay and receive child support payments, the growing anxiety is only amplified by the fact that the courts have slowed due to the pandemic. This means you may not be able to go before a judge in a timely manner to figure out a solution. [Read More]